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Who We Are? Basics and crazy covers

2018. augusztus 25. 12:41 - suelknitwear

I am a fan of our basics and the reason might be that I’m always in a hurry, multitasking all day long, jumping from one place to another trying not to waste my precious time. I have always been dreaming about getting dressed easily without thinking too much but being sure that the result is gorgeous. I wanted to design a basic knitted „kit” that can be worn anywhere

No muss, no fuss. Plain colours, timeless styles.


 On the other hand my favourites are the light cover-ups, lacy crop tops, perfect accessories for the basics. Take a look at our mix of a playful openwork and a simply ribbed basic dress.


The symbol of mix and match.


Photo: Dávid Ajkai

Design: Zsuzsi Csillag

Assistant BM: Ágnes Laczkó

Modell: Rea Milla

Make- up: Veronika Deák

Styling: Gabriella Parádi

Hair: Klaudia Violetta Gál




The Süel Story began in 1992 when my parents established the company. Well actually it had already begun before as they had been producing jeans and other garments, designed by my mother. I remember the day when I was around 9, sitting on the couch and my father was sketching our new logo for the new brand. Süel doesn’t really have a certain meaning (or at least I do not know if it does), it is a fantasy name that emerged from a brainstorming between my parents. I suppose that it might have something to do with Susie. We are both called Susie, my mom and me…

This amazing knitware story started almost 30 years from now, and we have still been here in the heart of Europe. The focus was on knitwear from the beginning and in the the end my mother was a real innovator in this field. Right after the democratic revolution in Hungary we did not have much information of the Western World.

There was no fashion TV, no magazines; no Internet and still, the timeless ideas of hers have always met the expectations of modern times, even today 

Ever since the age of 16 I have been part of the design process in the family fashion business, building my know-how and knitwear expertise. After graduating at Corvinus University of Budapest with a Master's in economics and working at Unilever as a marketer I decided to join the family enterprise. It's has been many years now, and I have still been into that..

To assemble the sets for this shooting was one of the hardest jobs throughout these years as my dream was to create a

pictorial curriculum,

which tells you everything about us, our style and spirit of ours.

I have conducted a survey among the VIP clients, how they would summarize their thoughts in three words on top. Colours, patterns, outfits, anything that comes up. In the end we were drowning in the waves of information. It was extremely challenging to describe all these years in pictures but I hope you will truly love it.

Zsuzsi Csillag

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