
színes - energikus - inspiráló

Who we are? - Cabled paradise  

2018. szeptember 20. 17:26 - suelknitwear


Cabling is the thing that is always “in” when it is about knits. Big, small, broad, narrow, one or many… you can play with these simple (or sometimes not that simple) patterns to create an extraordinary statement dress like we did with this ice blue yarn.


The loopscarf with a cable trio and the ankle length dress with broad, rustic cabling is a love confession to knitwear.



The symbol of masters of cabling


A symbol of bohemian femininity.

Photo: Dávid Ajkai

Design: Zsuzsi Csillag

Assistant BM: Ágnes Laczkó

Make- up: Veronika Deák

Styling: Gabriella Parádi

Hair: Klaudia Violetta Gál





The Süel Story began in 1992 when my parents established the company. Well actually it had already begun before as they had been producing jeans and other garments, designed by my mother. I remember the day when I was around 9, sitting on the couch and my father was sketching our new logo for the new brand. Süel doesn’t really have a certain meaning (or at least I do not know if it does), it is a fantasy name that emerged from a brainstorming between my parents. I suppose that it might have something to do with Susie. We are both called Susie, my mom and me…

This amazing knitware story started almost 30 years from now, and we have still been here in the heart of Europe. The focus was on knitwear from the beginning and in the the end my mother was a real innovator in this field. Right after the democratic revolution in Hungary we did not have much information of the Western World.

There was no fashion TV, no magazines; no Internet and still, the timeless ideas of hers have always met the expectations of modern times, even today 

Ever since the age of 16 I have been part of the design process in the family fashion business, building my know-how and knitwear expertise. After graduating at Corvinus University of Budapest with a Master's in economics and working at Unilever as a marketer I decided to join the family enterprise. It's has been many years now, and I have still been into that..

To assemble the sets for this shooting was one of the hardest jobs throughout these years as my dream was to create a

pictorial curriculum,

which tells you everything about us, our style and spirit of ours.

I have conducted a survey among the VIP clients, how they would summarize their thoughts in three words on top. Colours, patterns, outfits, anything that comes up. In the end we were drowning in the waves of information. It was extremely challenging to describe all these years in pictures but I hope you will truly love it.

Zsuzsi Csillag


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Who we are? - Knitwear form head to toe

2018. szeptember 20. 17:24 - suelknitwear



 I am a fan of sets. You know sweater with knitted skirts, pullovers with cardigans or knitted suits when you are big knitted ballJ, wearing knitwear head to toe. I love the feeling in wintertime when the soft wool (really soft one) protects me from everything but I am still a city queen.


The anti shrinkage wool line of ours is a perfect choice for urban knitwear lovers.


The symbol of knitwear lovers

Photo: Dávid Ajkai

Design: Zsuzsi Csillag

Assistant BM: Ágnes Laczkó

Make- up: Veronika Deák

Styling: Gabriella Parádi

Hair: Klaudia Violetta Gál




The Süel Story began in 1992 when my parents established the company. Well actually it had already begun before as they had been producing jeans and other garments, designed by my mother. I remember the day when I was around 9, sitting on the couch and my father was sketching our new logo for the new brand. Süel doesn’t really have a certain meaning (or at least I do not know if it does), it is a fantasy name that emerged from a brainstorming between my parents. I suppose that it might have something to do with Susie. We are both called Susie, my mom and me…

This amazing knitware story started almost 30 years from now, and we have still been here in the heart of Europe. The focus was on knitwear from the beginning and in the the end my mother was a real innovator in this field. Right after the democratic revolution in Hungary we did not have much information of the Western World.

There was no fashion TV, no magazines; no Internet and still, the timeless ideas of hers have always met the expectations of modern times, even today 

Ever since the age of 16 I have been part of the design process in the family fashion business, building my know-how and knitwear expertise. After graduating at Corvinus University of Budapest with a Master's in economics and working at Unilever as a marketer I decided to join the family enterprise. It's has been many years now, and I have still been into that..

To assemble the sets for this shooting was one of the hardest jobs throughout these years as my dream was to create a

pictorial curriculum,

which tells you everything about us, our style and spirit of ours.

I have conducted a survey among the VIP clients, how they would summarize their thoughts in three words on top. Colours, patterns, outfits, anything that comes up. In the end we were drowning in the waves of information. It was extremely challenging to describe all these years in pictures but I hope you will truly love it.

Zsuzsi Csillag

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Who we are? - Colour Splash

2018. szeptember 01. 21:07 - suelknitwear

We are crazy about colours. Not because of splurging, but to reveal the best version of ourselves with a perfectly dyed shade.

We have around 180 Süel colours on our yarn pallet, chosen and made for our vivid collections. Some tones are barley used, some will always be found on the hangers (like my favourite shades of turquoise). These stripes of variable stiches, are flowing like waves of colours, but still have a rustic surface. The inspiration came from a very old Süel sweater, knitted at the beginning of ‘90s, we have just rephrased it and so the new collection was born. The colour, the four different bright greens and the touch of light turquoise mix was inspired by the natural formation of mosses on trunks and trees.



The symbol of colour queens and bright souls.

Photo: Dávid Ajkai

Design: Zsuzsi Csillag

Assistant BM: Ágnes Laczkó

Make- up: Veronika Deák

Styling: Gabriella Parádi

Hair: Klaudia Violetta Gál




The Süel Story began in 1992 when my parents established the company. Well actually it had already begun before as they had been producing jeans and other garments, designed by my mother. I remember the day when I was around 9, sitting on the couch and my father was sketching our new logo for the new brand. Süel doesn’t really have a certain meaning (or at least I do not know if it does), it is a fantasy name that emerged from a brainstorming between my parents. I suppose that it might have something to do with Susie. We are both called Susie, my mom and me…

This amazing knitware story started almost 30 years from now, and we have still been here in the heart of Europe. The focus was on knitwear from the beginning and in the the end my mother was a real innovator in this field. Right after the democratic revolution in Hungary we did not have much information of the Western World.

There was no fashion TV, no magazines; no Internet and still, the timeless ideas of hers have always met the expectations of modern times, even today 

Ever since the age of 16 I have been part of the design process in the family fashion business, building my know-how and knitwear expertise. After graduating at Corvinus University of Budapest with a Master's in economics and working at Unilever as a marketer I decided to join the family enterprise. It's has been many years now, and I have still been into that..

To assemble the sets for this shooting was one of the hardest jobs throughout these years as my dream was to create a

pictorial curriculum,

which tells you everything about us, our style and spirit of ours.

I have conducted a survey among the VIP clients, how they would summarize their thoughts in three words on top. Colours, patterns, outfits, anything that comes up. In the end we were drowning in the waves of information. It was extremely challenging to describe all these years in pictures but I hope you will truly love it.

Zsuzsi Csillag

Szólj hozzá!

Kik vagyunk mi? - Színkavalkád a köbön.

2018. augusztus 31. 23:23 - suelknitwear

Megőrülünk a színekért. Nem azért mert feltűnősködni szeretnénk, csak a legjobb önmagunkat csillogtatjuk, amit egy jól megfestett árnyalat finoman kidomborít.

Lassan 180 színnel dolgozunk, amiket őrült változatossággal keverünk, csavarunk, ahogy éppen az ihlet súgja. Vannak árnyalatok, amiket ritkán láttok nálunk és van, amit mindig megtaláltok akármilyen trend szelek is fújnak a nemzetközi porondon. A változatosan hullámzó szemekből születő csíkos ruha az utóbbi évek egyik legnagyobb Süel slágere. Egy régi Süel pulover újjászületése modern formákban. A képen a mojito verziót látjátok a hozzá passzoló kardigánnal (nana, hogy sál is van hozzá).


Kötött kérdésed van: info@suel.hu


Tervek és ötlet: Csillag Zsuzsi

Asszisztens: Laczkó Ágnes

Fotó: Ajkai Dávid

Smink: Deák Veronika

Styling: Parádi Gbariella (Pumpkin Paradise)

Haj: Gál Klaudia Violetta

Szólj hozzá!

Soha nem volt ilyen szexi a kötött, mint idén ősszel. Helló szeptember!

2018. augusztus 31. 22:58 - suelknitwear

Mi mással indíthatnánk a szeptembert, mint a legújabb trendekkel. Az őszi-téli szezonban mindig népszerű kötött szerepel idén is a figyelem középpontjában és most sokoldalúan izgalmas trendek hódítanak.

Nézzük a top 5-öt.

1. Tetőtől talpig kötött a legbevállalósabbaknak.

Vagyis szettek, kötött kosztümök és maxiruhák minden mennyiségben.


1.JPG2. Crop top télen  és fura fazonok a legbohókásabbaknak

Fiatalos és bohém megjelenést kölcsönöznek a ’mix and match’ megoldások, mint például egy egyszínű, akár élénk árnyalatú alapdarab, felette egy azonos anyagú és színű rövid toppal. Mindamellett a helyzet az, hogy idén nagyjából semmilyen kötött fazonnal nem lőhetsz mellé, minden érdekes fazont, akár egy kötött overált is bevállalhatsz.



3. Izgalmas fonalak a kötött divat szerelmeseinek

A kötött divat rajongói most igazi kánaánban érezhetik magukat: kedvükre válogathatnak a különleges fonalak és kézi készítésű, egyedi tervezésű holmik közt. Idén újra hódít a vastag gyapjú, a rojtok, a fonatok, színátmenetes megoldások továbbra is menők. 



A legtrendibb pedig a ,szőrös’, pihe-puha hatást keltő fonal, ami őrült szexin mutat egy élénk rózsaszín ’vállvillantós’ oversize pulcsi formájában.

su_el_whoweare_story_small79.JPG4. Csíkok 

Jöhet minden, ami csíkos, akár egy szín árnyalatait kombinálva, akár kontrasztosabb csíkozással. 

su_el_whoweare_story_small80.JPGA 90-es évekből merített csónaknyakú kötött szett finom zöldes vonalai minden tekintetet megragadnak.

5. Csipkék

A csipke pedig hab a tortán a kötött ruhák kifutóján ha télen is elegáns akarsz maradni.



Érdemes még a szezon elején beszerezni a legizgalmasabb darabokat.

Macher Vera

Fotó: Süel

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Who we are?- Handmade parts, twisted yarns.

2018. augusztus 30. 20:39 - suelknitwear

Even though we are working with machines I am a fan of the handmade parts. These little twists are bringing some fun into the fully-fashioned garments. Fringes, cables, special twisted yarns are one of the main pillars of our creative work. We are always playing with colours, not only by dying and printing but we are also twisting different colourful threads to create the perfect ‘ombre’ shade for the dresses. This is my favourite part, it might seem easy, but to have that harmonious shade we have to feel you, your taste, understand your hidden desire and see all the colours perfectly.


su_el_whoweare_story_small87.JPGThere is no outfit without accessories so if you are entering our store be sure that you will try the matching scarf and hat duo with your knitted dress.


The symbol of or craftsmanship



Photo: Dávid Ajkai

Design: Zsuzsi Csillag

Assistant BM: Ágnes Laczkó

Make- up: Veronika Deák

Styling: Gabriella Parádi

Hair: Klaudia Violetta Gál





The Süel Story began in 1992 when my parents established the company. Well actually it had already begun before as they had been producing jeans and other garments, designed by my mother. I remember the day when I was around 9, sitting on the couch and my father was sketching our new logo for the new brand. Süel doesn’t really have a certain meaning (or at least I do not know if it does), it is a fantasy name that emerged from a brainstorming between my parents. I suppose that it might have something to do with Susie. We are both called Susie, my mom and me…

This amazing knitware story started almost 30 years from now, and we have still been here in the heart of Europe. The focus was on knitwear from the beginning and in the the end my mother was a real innovator in this field. Right after the democratic revolution in Hungary we did not have much information of the Western World.

There was no fashion TV, no magazines; no Internet and still, the timeless ideas of hers have always met the expectations of modern times, even today 

Ever since the age of 16 I have been part of the design process in the family fashion business, building my know-how and knitwear expertise. After graduating at Corvinus University of Budapest with a Master's in economics and working at Unilever as a marketer I decided to join the family enterprise. It's has been many years now, and I have still been into that..

To assemble the sets for this shooting was one of the hardest jobs throughout these years as my dream was to create a

pictorial curriculum,

which tells you everything about us, our style and spirit of ours.

I have conducted a survey among the VIP clients, how they would summarize their thoughts in three words on top. Colours, patterns, outfits, anything that comes up. In the end we were drowning in the waves of information. It was extremely challenging to describe all these years in pictures but I hope you will truly love it.

Zsuzsi Csillag

Szólj hozzá!

Who we are?- Lacy world

2018. augusztus 30. 20:37 - suelknitwear

 Since the beginning we have created so many patterns and I wouldn't be able to list them all. But if it is about lace then I would certainly mention the first lace of ours, the spider. I was around six and it was before the establishment of the brand itself, but my parents already produced an elastic crop top (I still have one) with this elegant but sexy openwork. Since then we have used this formation of stitches in many ways, in many styles but when I had to choose only one dress that would symbolize our lacy world I wanted to have this so called “spider dress” with our special lacy “sleeve” upon it. Perfect for summer or for an unforgettable event.


It is my real love, but do not worry if it is not your taste you will find so many different types in our stores that you will be mesmerized.


The symbol of laceparade

A symbol of bohemian femininity.

Photo: Dávid Ajkai

Design: Zsuzsi Csillag

Assistant BM: Ágnes Laczkó

Make- up: Veronika Deák

Styling: Gabriella Parádi

Hair: Klaudia Violetta Gál





The Süel Story began in 1992 when my parents established the company. Well actually it had already begun before as they had been producing jeans and other garments, designed by my mother. I remember the day when I was around 9, sitting on the couch and my father was sketching our new logo for the new brand. Süel doesn’t really have a certain meaning (or at least I do not know if it does), it is a fantasy name that emerged from a brainstorming between my parents. I suppose that it might have something to do with Susie. We are both called Susie, my mom and me…

This amazing knitware story started almost 30 years from now, and we have still been here in the heart of Europe. The focus was on knitwear from the beginning and in the the end my mother was a real innovator in this field. Right after the democratic revolution in Hungary we did not have much information of the Western World.

There was no fashion TV, no magazines; no Internet and still, the timeless ideas of hers have always met the expectations of modern times, even today 

Ever since the age of 16 I have been part of the design process in the family fashion business, building my know-how and knitwear expertise. After graduating at Corvinus University of Budapest with a Master's in economics and working at Unilever as a marketer I decided to join the family enterprise. It's has been many years now, and I have still been into that..

To assemble the sets for this shooting was one of the hardest jobs throughout these years as my dream was to create a

pictorial curriculum,

which tells you everything about us, our style and spirit of ours.

I have conducted a survey among the VIP clients, how they would summarize their thoughts in three words on top. Colours, patterns, outfits, anything that comes up. In the end we were drowning in the waves of information. It was extremely challenging to describe all these years in pictures but I hope you will truly love it.

Zsuzsi Csillag

Szólj hozzá!

Kik vagyunk mi? - Összecsavart fonalak és kézi munka

2018. augusztus 30. 20:34 - suelknitwear

Annak ellenére, hogy a Süel ruhák nagy része gépeken készül formára kötve, telis tele vannak olyan apró kézzel készült cukiságokkal, amik érdekessé teszik a a sima mintákat is. Egy egy kézi fonás, izgalmas rojtok, kövek, strasszok és máris igazán Süeles lesz az adott darab. Rengeteg fonalat csavarunk, amikor a fantáziánkat szabadon eresztve mi rakjuk össze a színes szálakat és készítjük el saját fonalainkat, így lesznek a ruhák, kiegészítők igazán egyediek.


Mivel nincs outfit kiegészítők nélkül ne felejtsd el megpróbálni a ruhádhoz illő Süel kiegészítőket, hogy teljes legyen a szetted.

A ruha színvariációit itt találod: RUHA


Kötött kérdésed van: info@suel.hu


Tervek és ötlet: Csillag Zsuzsi

Asszisztens: Laczkó Ágnes

Fotó: Ajkai Dávid

Smink: Deák Veronika

Styling: Parádi Gbariella (Pumpkin Paradise)

Haj: Gál Klaudia Violetta






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Kik vagyunk mi?- Csipkeparadicsom

2018. augusztus 29. 10:57 - suelknitwear


Amióta létezik a márka számtalan csipke mintát kreáltunk vagy kombináltunk össze különböző kötött darabokban. Nem tudom melyik a ti kedvencetek, de azt tudom, hogy melyik az első, amire emlékszem. Nagyjából 6 éves lehettem (vagyis még maga a márkanév nem is létezett) amikor elasztikus fonalból elkészültek az első “pók “mintás csipke crop topjaink. Még ma is ott lapul egy a szekrényemben ebből a sorozatból. Ez az a minta, amit ruhában, pulcsiban, kardigánban vagy éppen egy Süel ujjban is megtaláltok és egy igazi időtlen, elegáns motívum.

A hosszú ruhájával egyszerűen nem lehet mellélőni ezért is választottam ezt a mintát a csipkéink szimbolómaként. De ne ijedjetek meg ha a “pók” nem tetszik, akkor is fogtok találni számtalan áttört mintát, amiből csemegézhettek akár nyáron, akár egy egy extra esemény előtt.

Itt találod meg a ruhát: https://suel.hu/shop/csipke-kotott-suel/pok-csipke-ruha-feher/

Itt találod a csipke felsőt: https://suel.hu/shop/csipke-kotott-suel/pok-ujj-pisztacia/


                                                                Kötött kérdésed van: info@suel.hu

Tervek és ötlet: Csillag Zsuzsi

Asszisztens: Laczkó Ágnes

Fotó: Ajkai Dávid

Smink: Deák Veronika

Styling: Parádi Gbariella (Pumpkin Paradise)

Haj: Gál Klaudia Violetta

Szólj hozzá!

Who we are? - Upon playing 

2018. augusztus 28. 21:34 - suelknitwear

The statement playsuit of ours that carries both the playful and feminine sides of the brand. It is my all time favourite as you can be anything in it. Dare to wear it with a blouse underneath, leave out the collar and match it with high heels. Hello Miss Office! Or just jump into your sneakers and meet your friends. It is simply cool, with all the strange baggy style at the bottom and the tight fit ribbed part at the top.

Well to be honest I have ten colours of it and I still cannot get enough…After you have tried you will know what I mean!

Pair it with any colourful lacy poncho from our knitted world.



The symbol of our versatility.

Photo: Dávid Ajkai

Design: Zsuzsi Csillag

Assistant BM: Ágnes Laczkó

Make- up: Veronika Deák

Styling: Gabriella Parádi

Hair: Klaudia Violetta Gál






The Süel Story began in 1992 when my parents established the company. Well actually it had already begun before as they had been producing jeans and other garments, designed by my mother. I remember the day when I was around 9, sitting on the couch and my father was sketching our new logo for the new brand. Süel doesn’t really have a certain meaning (or at least I do not know if it does), it is a fantasy name that emerged from a brainstorming between my parents. I suppose that it might have something to do with Susie. We are both called Susie, my mom and me…

This amazing knitware story started almost 30 years from now, and we have still been here in the heart of Europe. The focus was on knitwear from the beginning and in the the end my mother was a real innovator in this field. Right after the democratic revolution in Hungary we did not have much information of the Western World.

There was no fashion TV, no magazines; no Internet and still, the timeless ideas of hers have always met the expectations of modern times, even today 

Ever since the age of 16 I have been part of the design process in the family fashion business, building my know-how and knitwear expertise. After graduating at Corvinus University of Budapest with a Master's in economics and working at Unilever as a marketer I decided to join the family enterprise. It's has been many years now, and I have still been into that..

To assemble the sets for this shooting was one of the hardest jobs throughout these years as my dream was to create a

pictorial curriculum,


which tells you everything about us, our style and spirit of ours.

I have conducted a survey among the VIP clients, how they would summarize their thoughts in three words on top. Colours, patterns, outfits, anything that comes up. In the end we were drowning in the waves of information. It was extremely challenging to describe all these years in pictures but I hope you will truly love it.

Zsuzsi Csillag


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süti beállítások módosítása